Brief Instructions on Exporting and Importling Layout to Stream Format ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In the icfb menu select: File -> Export -> Stream 2. Press the "Library Browser" button in the window that pops up. Select the inverter layout from the tutorial or from the assignment. 3. Press the "User Defined Data" button 4. Select the following file for "Layer Map Table": /CMC/kits/cmosp18.5.2/cmosp18.strmMapTable Close the user-defined data window by pressing "OK" 5. You can change the output file name in the "Output File" Field. The file name end with ".gds" 6. Press "OK" in the stream out window. The gds file should be created in the directory where Cadence was started. Brief Instructions on How to Extract ISQ and Vth for the ACM Model ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Enter the circuit shown in the board in the schematic editor 2. Open the analog environment window and set-up a DC sweep of the gate voltage from 0 to 1 V for a NMOS transistor. 3. Plot the drain current (/V1/MINUS) and gm/ID = deriv(ln(IS("/V1/MINUS"))) 4. Vth is the gate voltage when gm/ID is 53% of the peak value 5. IS (the specific current) is 1.13 times the current when VG = Vth