
From the command line

In the most common usage mode, the main program reads a netlist file, builds the circuit described there and runs any specified analyses. Optionally some analyses can drop to an ipython shell with access to internal variables after calculations are finished for interactive work.

Sample session

After the source is installed, change into the cardoon directory and run the program with no arguments for a brief help message:

cechrist@venus:~$ python -m cardoon

Cardoon Circuit Simulator 0.6 release
        cardoon <netlistname>        : Process netlist file
        cardoon -c                   : Generate catalogs
        cardoon -x <script> <args>   : execute Python script

In this document the first form of execution listed above is described. The last two forms allow execution of arbitrary Python code with access to the internal simulator classes and are not documented here (for now).

To run one netlist, change into the cardoon/workspace directory and execute the program as follows:

cechrist@venus:~/src/cardoon/workspace$ python -m cardoon

Cardoon Circuit Simulator 0.6 release
             Operating point analysis

 # Test of a transistor device

Using dense matrices

Number of iterations =  17
Residual =  5.72923228467e-06

 Node      |  Value               | Unit
1          |        3.49950994522 | V
10         |        11.9158367321 | V
2          |       0.800179840214 | V
3          |                 10.0 | V
gnd        |                  0.0 | V

Element:  svbjt:q1

    Internal nodal variables:

    et         :     0.00425607912346 V
    ct         :        3.47695418943 V
    x2         :       -2.69945983799 s.v.
    x1         :        290.954259747 s.v.
    Bi         :       0.800050107221 V
    ib         :      0.0958314599978 0.001 A

    Operating point info:

    IB         : 9.58314599978e-05
    IC         : 0.00841632678691
    IE         : -0.00851215824691
    Power      : 0.0294934732763
    Temp       : 29.1439
    VBE        : 0.795794028098
    VCE        : 3.49525386609

op analysis time: 0.01 s

Press [Enter] to exit ...

Interactive Session

Interactive use is in experimental mode and likely to change. The main functions are provided in the simulator module. For example the from the /examples directory is run as follows:

In [1]: import cardoon.simulator as cs

In [2]:
cs.run_analyses  cs.run_netlist

In [2]: cs.run_netlist('')
                 Transient analysis

 ### RING OSCILLATOR with 3 inverters ###

Using dense matrices

Calculating DC operating point ... Succeded.

System dimension: 7
Number of samples: 200
Integration method: trap
Printing one dot every 50 samples:
Average iterations: 2.345
Average residual: 1.31511609988e-06

tran analysis time: 1.24 s

In [3]:

(a plot should pop-up).

Simulator High-Level Functions

High-level functions for interactive use. Example:

from cardoon import simulator as cs
cardoon.simulator.new_elem(elemType, name, **kwargs)

Returns a new element instance

elemType: type of device (diode, res, cap, ind, etc.) name: instance name (without type)

The remaining arguments should have the following format: <param name> = <param value>. Type of <param value> should exactly match the expected parameter type.

Sample usage: newElem(‘diode’, ‘d4’, isat=2.1e-15, cj0=1e-12)

cardoon.simulator.parse_net(filename, ckt=None)

Parse netlist file given in filename.

If ckt is not given parses the circuit named ‘main’. Returns analysisQueue with analyses to be performed.


Clean all circuits and reset global options

cardoon.simulator.run_analyses(analysisQueue, ckt=None)

Run all analyses in analysisQueue applied to the provided circuit (or ‘main’ if no circuit provided). If queue is empty just print circuit.

cardoon.simulator.run_netlist(fileName, circuitName=None, reset=True)

Read circuit and run analyses in netlist given in fileName

circuitName: name of circuit instance to be created, if None, use main circuit

If reset == True, clear simulator state before reading netlist, otherwise append to any existing data.

Netlist Format

A very brief description is provided here. The netlist syntax resembles somewhat the syntax used in other simulators such as spice, fREEDA and QUCS, but at least for now it has some simplifications. The netlist is case-sensitive. Each line specifies one circuit element, an analysis to perform or another command. In general lines can be entered in any order. Order is important only to define subcircuit blocks.

Title line

The first line in the netlist is used to set the title and does not follow any particular syntax.

End of netlist line

It a .end line is read, the parser stops reading the file and any additional lines are ignored.

Line continuation

The backslash (“\”) at the end of a line means that the line must be joined with the next one. The following is taken as single line:

.analysis testdev plot=1 ports_bias = [.7V] sweep_port=0 \
start = .1V stop= .8V sweep_num=1100 device = diode:d2 \
param = temp param_val = [0., 27, 40]

This is different from spice syntax but it is easier to read from the parser.


Parameters can be float or int numbers, strings (str) or numerical vectors. Spice suffixes (uF, mA, kHz, GHz, etc.) can be used to specify multipliers:

model= mynpn v1 = 1kOhm r2 = 1e2MEG

Some devices (such as the memristor) accept an expression as a parameter. Expressions must be enclosed in single quotes (‘) and can contain parenthesis and white spaces. As expressions are evaluated directly by the Python parser, Python syntax must be used. Constants must be written as numbers and standard Spice suffixes can not be used inside expressions. Mathematical functions are available but must be preceded by the np. prefix. These restrictions may be relaxed in the future:

mem:m1 2 0 m = '1e3 * (np.cosh(1e7 * q)-1.)'

Element lines

General format:

<element type>:<name> <node list> [<model>] <parameter list>

Node names can be strings or numbers. A terminal named gnd (or 0) is assumed to be the global reference node for all circuits/subcircuits.

<model> is optional. Parameters specified in the element line override parameters in model. In the following example, tc1 is set to 1e-5:

res:r1 1 gnd model = mymodel r=50. tc1=1e-5
.model mymodel res (tc1=1e-4)

Elements are documented in the Device Library Catalog.

Analysis lines

General format:

.analysis <analysis type> <parameter list>

Available analyses are documented in the Analysis Library Catalog.


.analysis ac start=.1GHz stop=10GHz sweep_num=200 log=True shell=0

.analysis testdev plot=1 ports_bias = [.7V] sweep_port=0 \
start = .1V stop= .8V sweep_num=1100 device = diode:d2 \
param = temp param_val = [0., 27, 40]

Global options

General format (similar to spice’s options):

.options <parameter list>


.options temp=29.1439 gyr=1e-3

Global options are documented in the Global Options and Constants Tables.


Subcircuits use a syntax similar to spice. general form for subcircuit definition:

.subckt <name> <list of external nodes>


The global reference node (gnd or 0) can not be included as an external node, but if present in the subckt definition it is assumed to be connected to the ``gnd`` node of other circuits/subcircuits. Example:

res:r1 2 gnd r=40.
x1 2 3 parasitic1
x2 3 4 parasitic1

.subckt parasitic1 in out
res:r1 in out r=1kOhm
cap:c2 out gnd c=1nH

Here gnd in the parasitic1 definition is the same node as gnd in the main circuit.

Include files

General format:

.include <filename>

The file is inserted as a part of the netlist in the position of the .include statement.

Netlist variables


.vars freq = 1GHz iin = .5mA
.vars portVolt1 = [1, 2, 0.]
idc:i1 gnd 20 idc=iin

Numeric/vector netlist variables are defined with the .vars keyword. Many occurences of this keyword may appear in the netlist. No checking is made for repeated definitions. The last definition overwrites any previous one.

Netlist variables can be used as parameter values for element, model and analysis lines. .var definitions can be placed anywhere in the netlist.

Output commands

There are two output commands: .plot and .save. Both of them use the same syntax. Examples:

.plot dc in out
.plot tran 5 out3
.plot tran vdc:amp1:i
# In general:
.plot <type> <list of terminals>

In the examples, dc and tran are the type of output to plot. Some possible types are the following: dc, ac_mag, ac_phase, tran. Check the Analysis Library Catalog to see what types of requests are accepted by each analysis.

Terminals can be external or internal. For external terminals just specify the terminal name. Internal terminals are specified as follows:

<element type>:<name>:<internal terminal name>
# Example: 'x1' internal terminal from 'svbjt:q1'

Check the internal topology of each device in the Device Library Catalog to find the internal terminal names for each device. In the documentation external terminals are numbered, starting with 0 and internal terminals have alphanumeric labels. Internal reference terminals (i.e., tref) are not accessible. In the following example the internal terminal name is ‘i’:

0                              i/gyr      Term: i
   o---------+            +----------------+
             | gyr V(i)   |                |
  +         /|\          /|\              /^\
vin        ( | )        ( | ) gyr vin    ( | ) gyr vdc
  -         \V/          \V/              \|/
             |            |                |
   o---------+            +----------------+
1                                 |
                                 --- tref

Each recognized plot line generates a new figure. Results stored in terminals listed in a single plot line are grouped in a single figure. If an analysis does not recognize a request type, the request is ignored.

.save statements save the requested information in a numpy .npz file. The file name is formed as follows by taking the main netlist file name minus .net plus _<request name>.npz. For example, if the netlist file name is, the file created for an ac request is vsin_ac.npz. Data saved in this file can be loaded in a python session using the numpy load function as follows:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> l=np.load('vsin_ac.npz')
>>> l.files
['1', '2', 'xaxis']
>>> l['1']
array([ 1.00000000 -6.28318278e-06j,  0.99999999 -7.22413241e-06j,
        0.99999999 -8.30599536e-06j,  0.99999999 -9.54987410e-06j,

Electrothermal devices

Refer to the Device Library Catalog to find which devices support electrothermal models. The netlist name for an electrothermal model is formed by adding “_t” to the original name (e.g., bjt_t). An electrothermal model has an additional pair of thermal terminals. The voltage in this thermal port is the difference between the device temperature and the ambient temperature. The current is proportional to the power dissipated in the device.

Generating this documentation

The main documentation files are kept in the doc directory. Documentation can be generated in html or LaTeX formats (other formats are possible but not tested). The documentation can be generated as follows:

cd doc
make html

The device or analysis catalogs are not checked for dependencies. To force re-generation of those, you can just remove device_library.rst (or run cardoon -c in the doc directory) and re-make the documentation. The latex targets can be used to generate the documentation in latex format.

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