Implementing a new device model =============================== A current-source approach is adopted in this simulator. Therefore all models must be implemented using independent and voltage-controlled current sources. This is not a limitation any circuit component can be described in that way, including ideal voltage sources and state-variable defined nonlinear models. To implement a new model, simply create a Python file in the ``devices`` directory. That file constitutes a module to be imported into the device library. The model itself must be implemented in a class defined as follows:: import numpy as np import circuit as cir # Physical constants, global variables from globalVars import const, glVar # Automatic differentiation import cppaddev as ad class Device(cir.Element): """ Document new model here """ # Device category category = "Basic Components" # devtype is the 'model' name devType = "emptydev" # Number of terminals. numTerms = 2 # Model parameters paramDict = dict( cir.Element.tempItem, r = ('Resistance', 'Ohms', float, 0.), rsh = ('Sheet resistance', 'Ohms', float, 0.), l = ('Lenght', 'm', float, 0.), w = ('Width', 'm', float, 0.), ) def __init__(self, instanceName): """ Initialization code """ # Do not include here parameter-dependent code cir.Element.__init__(self, instanceName) def process_params(self): """ Prepares the device for simulation Raises cir.CircuitError if a fatal error is found """ # if device is based on cppaddev, make sure tape is re-generated # ad.delete_tape(self) # Use the following to make sure connections to internal # terminals are not repeated if this process_params is called # many times. self.clean_internal_terms() # This adds one internal terminal (in addition to any # existing ones). First argument is the internal variable # name and second is the variable unit. Returns terminal index ti1 = self.add_internal_term('i1', 'A') # Ambient temperature (temp) by default set to 27 C # Calculate temperature-dependent variables (if any) # self.set_temp_vars(self.temp) If the class name is not ``Device`` as shown in this example, the corresponding class name (or names) must be added to a list to tell the program which of the defined classes contain device models (see for an example). This allows the definition of two or more device models in the same module:: # First device model class class MOSlevel1(cir.Element): pass # Second device model class class MOSlevel2(cir.Element): pass # List with all device models defined in module devList = [MOSlevel1, MOSlevel2] It is recommended to copy one of the existing device files to a new file name and use that as a starting point to create a new device. Module documentation -------------------- Documentation for the device library catalog goes in the ``Device`` class docstring in reStructuredText (reST) format. Use an underlined main title, to be included as an entry in the :doc:`device_library`. If the device contains internal nodes, document the internal topology here. Example for diode device:: """ Junction Diode -------------- Model based on spice model. Connection diagram:: o 1 | --+-- / \ '-+-' | o 0 Includes depletion and diffusion charges. Netlist examples:: diode:d1 1 0 isat=10fA cj0=20fF # Electrothermal device diode_t:d2 2 3 1000 gnd cj0=10pF tt=1e-12 rs=100 bv = 4. # Model statement .model dmodel1 diode (cj0 = 10pF tt=1ps) """ Attributes and functions description ------------------------------------ Mandatory attribute: ``devType = 'string'``. Specifies the netlist name of the device model, for example 'res' for a resistor model. Another mandatory attribute is ``category = 'string'``. This is the broad category to classify the current model in the :doc:`device_library` (for example *Basic Components*). You can use one of the existing categories or create a new one. The following attributes are not mandatory and defaut to empty lists if not specified. They can be used with any type of device model: linear, nonlinear, frequency-defined. * If ``numTerms`` is set, the parser knows in advance how many external terminals to expect. By default ``numTerms = 0`` and the program makes no assumptions and allows any number of connections. * If internal linear VCCS are needed, they are specified using the following format:: linearVCCS = [((t0, t1), (t2, t3), g), ... ] 0 o--------+ +------o 2 | + /|\ Vin | | | g Vin - \V/ | 1 o--------+ +------o 3 The format consists on a list of tuples, one per voltage-controlled current source (VCCS). Each tuple has 2 tuples for the control and output ports, respectively and the transconductance goes at the end. * The same format is used for linear charge sources (VCQS):: linearVCQS = [((t0, t1), (t2, t3), c), ... ] Both ``linearVCCS`` and ``linearVCQS`` may be empty lists and may be modified by ``process_params()`` according to paramenter values. Inductors are represented by a combination of VCCS and VCQS (see inductor model as an example). * Parameters are listed in a dictionary named ``paramDict`` as shown in the sample code. The parameter name is the key. The fields in the description tuple are: long description, unit, type, default value. The default value can be ``None``. Parameters are converted to class attributes after circuit initialization. For this reason parameter names can not be Python keywords (unfortunately ``is`` is a keyword). If model is dependent on temperature, the first item should be ``cir.Element.tempItem``, which contains the description for the device temperature parameter (``temp``). * The ``process_params(self)`` function is called once the external terminals have been connected and the non-default parameters have been set. This function may be called multiple times for example for paramter sweeps or parameter sensitivity. Make sanity checks here. Internal terminals/devices must also be connected here (see next section). * To prevent problems in the calculation of sensitivities using an automatic differentiation (AD) library, avoid the following style of writing conditional statements for ``float`` parameters:: if self.p1: # some code where ``p1`` is a ``float``-type parameter. Use instead:: if self.p1 != 0: # some code The reason for this is that when ``p1`` is set to an AD type, the condition in the first example may be evaluated as ``True`` even when is should be ``False``. Internal Terminals, Local References and Terminal Units ------------------------------------------------------- Some models in addition to the external port voltages require additional independent variables that can be be obtained by defining internal terminals. For example, an inductor can be implemented using current sources as shown below:: 0 o---------+ +----------------+ til | til-tref | | + /|\ /^\ | Vin ( | ) ( | ) Vin ----- L - \V/ \|/ ----- | | | 1 o---------+ +----------------+ | --- tref V The additional variable is the inductor current, which in this circuit can be obtained as ``til - tref``. Here Node ``tref`` is used as a local reference. Internal references are merged with the global reference in nodal analysis and so do not add additional unknowns. Both nodes ``til`` and ``tref`` are implemented using internal terminals. Note that terminals in a device are internally numbered consecutively after external terminals. If a model has 2 external terminals (i.e., 0 to 1), the first internal terminal would be 3. Internal terminals are normally created in ``process_params()`` as follows:: # This adds one internal terminal. Assume only 2 external # terminals are connected so far til = self.add_internal_term('i1', 'A') # til = 2 # Add local reference terminal tref = self.add_reference_term() # tref = 3 The first argument in ``add_internal_terms()`` is the internal variable name and second is the variable unit. Internal terminals can be directly accessed from the terminal list of the device (``self.connection``). The return value is the internal terminal index. For models that are used as a base class for other devices such as electrothermal models or extrinsic models, the number of external terminals may change. For that reason it is *strongly recommended* to use the return value from ``add_internal_terms()`` and ``add_reference_term()`` instead of fixed numbers. Example from BJT model:: # rb is not zero: add internal terminals tBi = self.add_internal_term('Bi', 'V') tib = self.add_internal_term('ib', '{0} A'.format(glVar.gyr)) tref = self.add_reference_term() # Linear VCCS for gyrator(s) self.linearVCCS = [((1, tBi), (tib, tref), glVar.gyr), ((tib, tref), (1, tBi), glVar.gyr)] Terminals have an attribute called ``unit``. The unit of any existing terminal variable can be manually changed as follows:: # Set unit for terminal 6 self.connection[6].unit = 'C' Temperature Dependence ---------------------- As previously described, most devices should have a ``temp`` parameter. Compared with regular parameters, temperature is specially treated: by default all devices take the global temperature defined in the ".options" card. This can be overriden by the device ".model" line. In turn that is overriden by the temperature specified in the element line itself. For electrothermal devices, this parameter is ignored and the temperature at the thermal port is used. All temperatures are specified in degrees C. Temperature-related code is included in the following (optional) function:: def set_temp_vars(self, temp): """ Calculate temperature-dependent variables for temp given in C temp: temperature in degree C """ # if device is based on cppaddev, make sure tape is re-generated # ad.delete_tape(self) # Absolute temperature T = const.T0 + temp # Thermal voltage self.Vt = const.k * T / const.e Note that linear devices may be temperature-dependent. In that case this function would modify the conductances and capacitances in ``linearVCCS`` and ``linearVCQS`` lists. This function may be called multiple times and is used to auto-generate electrothermal models. Nonlinear models ---------------- The following attributes are required for nonlinear models:: isNonlinear = True * Controlling ports (``controlPorts``): list here all ports whose voltages are needed to calculate the nonlinear currents / charges in this format: ``(n1, n2)`` means that the port voltage is defined as ``V(n1) - V(n2)``. Example for BJT without intrinsic RC, RB and RE (vbc, vbe):: controlPorts = [(1, 0), (1, 2)] * Time-delayed port voltages (``nDelays`` and ``delayedContPorts``): optional, ``nDelays`` is the number of delayed control voltages (defaults to zero). ``delayedContPorts`` is a list port definitions and corresponding delay in triplet format:: nDelays = 2 delayedContPorts = [(n1, n2, delay1), (n3, n4, delay2)] * An optional attribute, ``vPortGuess`` is a numpy vector with a valid set of controlling (plus time-delayed) voltages to be used as an initial guess. If this is not specified, the initial guess is set to zero. * Current source output ports (``csOutPorts``): for each current source in the device, list ports as follows: ``(n1, n2)``. Current flows from ``n1`` to ``n2``. Example for a 3-terminal BJT with BE and CE current sources, assuming teminals are connected C (0) - B (1) - E (2):: csOutPorts = [(1, 2), (0, 2)] * A similar vector is required for output ports of charge sources (``qsOutPorts``). Some of these attributes could be empty or can be modified by ``process_params()`` according to parameter values. Nonlinear model equations that are dependent on the control port voltages are implemented in the following function:: def eval_cqs(self, vPort, getOP=False): """ vPort is a vector with control voltages Returns tuple with two numpy vectors: one for currents and another for charges. If getOP = True, only return dictionary with OP variables """ # calculation here iVec = np.array([i1, i2]) qVec = np.array([q1]) if getOP: # calculate and return operating point variables return {'var1': value1, 'var2': value2} else: return (iVec, qVec) The ``getOP`` argument is optional and may be ommitted if it is never needed. ``vPort`` contains control port voltages (or state variables) in the order defined by ``controlPorts``, followed by any voltages defined in ``csDelayedContPorts``. The variables in ``iVec`` are first currents following the order defined in ``csOutPorts``, in ``qVec`` are the charges defined in ``csOutPorts``. If there are no currents/charges, return an empty vector. The following two functions should be present, normally implemented by evaluating the AD tape (they run *much* faster than ``eval_cqs()``). But they could also be implemented manually by other means:: def eval(self, vPort): same as eval_cqs() def eval_and_deriv(self, vPort): returns a tuple, (outVec, Jacobian) To have those automatically implemented using the ``cppaddev`` module, add the following to the ``Device`` class:: # Use functions directly from cppaddev (imported as ad) eval_and_deriv = ad.eval_and_deriv eval = ad.eval Note on coding models to be used with automatic differentiation +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To allow the automatic differentiation library to record all possible operations performed in a model, use the ``ad.condassign()`` function provided in to replace conditional (``if``) statements dependent on variables related to ``vPort``. For example, suppose the following calculation must be implemented:: if (e > f): # Bunch of calculations 1 result = c else: # Bunch of calculations 2 result = d This code can be replaced by a call to ``ad.condassign()`` as follows:: # Bunch of calculations 1 (calculates c) ... # Bunch of calculations 2 (calculates d) ... # Returns c if (e-f) > 0, d otherwise result = ad.condassign(e-f, c, d) Note that one of ``c`` or ``d`` may not be valid numbers in the second implementation (depending on the relation between ``e`` and ``f``), but a valid value is always assigned to ``result``. Automatic Eletro-Thermal Models +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Automatic electrothermal model generation allows to implement one nonlinear model with two different netlist names: the normal one with electrical terminals only (e.g., "bjt") and an electrothermal model that has an additional pair of thermal terminals. The voltage in this thermal port is the difference between the device temperature and the ambient temperature. The current is proportional to the power dissipated in the device. The netlist name for the electrothermal model is formed by adding "_t" to the original name (e.g., "bjt_t"). To implement an automatic electrothermal model, set the following attribute:: makeAutoThermal = True The ``process_params()`` function must be modified to accept an additional argument as follows:: def process_params(self, thermal = False): # Set flag to re-add thermal port self.__addThermalPorts = True ... self.csOutPorts = [(tBi, 2), (tBi, 0), (0, 2), (tref, tib)] self.controlPorts = [(tBi, 2), (tBi, 0), (tib, tref)] ... if not thermal: # Calculate temperature-dependent variables self.set_temp_vars(self.temp) The ``thermal`` flag is set to ``True`` for electrothermal devices. In this example the temperature-dependent variables are not calculated during parameter processing if ``thermal == True`` since this calculation would be redundant. Set the ``__addThermalPorts`` flag to ``True`` in this function if one of ``csOutPorts`` or ``controlPorts`` is changed/reassigned. In addition, the following function must be implemented:: def power(self, vPort, currV): """ Returns total instantaneous power Input: input (vPort) and output vectors in the format from eval_cqs() """ vds = vPort[0] - vPort[2] # pout = vds*ids + vdb*idb + vsb*isb pout = vds*currV[0] + vPort[0] * currV[1] + vPort[2] * currV[2] return pout This function takes the input vector and the results from ``eval_cqs()`` and returns the total power dissipated at the nonlinear current sources. This function is overridden in the electrothermal version and thus can be safely used (for example in ``get_OP``) as it always returns the correct value. Operating Point Information --------------------------- The ``get_OP()`` function generates a dictionary with operating point variables and it should be implemented by all devices. For frequency-dependent devices, f is assumed to be zero. Variable names in the returned dictionary are arbitrary. A simple implementation example for the BJT:: def get_OP(self, vPort): """ Calculates operating point information Input: same as eval_cqs Output: dictionary with OP variables """ # First we need the Jacobian (transconductances, etc.) (outV, jac) = self.eval_and_deriv(vPort) # Dissipated power power = self.power(vPort, outV) opDict = dict( VBE = vPort[0], VCE = vPort[0] - vPort[1], IB = outV[0] + outV[1], IC = outV[2] - outV[1], IE = - outV[2] - outV[0], Temp = self.temp, Power = power, gm = jac[2,0] - jac[1,0], rpi = 1./(jac[0,0] + jac[1,0]), ) return opDict In some cases it may be better to calculate some operating point parameters directly in the ``eval_cqs()`` function. For example in the EKV MOSFET model:: def get_OP(self, vPort): """ Calculates operating point information Input: vPort = [vdb , vgb , vsb] Output: dictionary with OP variables """ (outV, jac) = self.eval_and_deriv(vPort) # Note that the initial dictionary is returned by eval_cqs() opDict = self.eval_cqs(vPort, True) power = self.power(vPort, outV) # Check things that change if the transistor is reversed if opDict['Reversed']: gds = jac[0,2] else: gds = jac[0,0] # Save noise variables self._Sthermal = opDict['Sthermal'] self._kSfliker = self.kf * pow(jac[0,1], 2) / self._Cox # Use negative index for charges as power may be inserted in # between currents and charges by electrothermal model opDict.update(dict(VD = vPort[0], VG = vPort[1], VS = vPort[2], IDS = outV[0], IDB = outV[1], ISB = outV[2], QD = outV[-3], QG = outV[-2], QS = outV[-1], Power = power, Temp = self.temp, gm = jac[0,1], gmbs = - jac[0,2] - jac[0,1] - jac[0,0], gds = gds, kSfliker = self._kSfliker)) return opDict If the model noise model is dependent on the operating point, this is the place to calculate the corresponding variables as shown above with ``self._Sthermal`` and ``self._kSfliker``. Note for electrothermal models ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For models that support an electrothermal version, the ``save_OP()`` must be aware that the output vector returned by ``eval()`` and ``eval_and_deriv()`` may have the output power as the last current component. For example, for the regular EKV model:: outV = [IDS IDB ISB QD QG QS] the format of the vector in the electrothermal version of the same model is as follows:: outV = [IDS IDB ISB POUT QD QG QS] For that reason it is recommended to use negative indexes to refer to charges, as shown in the last example. Noise current spectral density sources -------------------------------------- Same format as ``csOutPorts`` (for nonlinear devices). Default is an empty tuple. Example:: # Noise sources: one between drain and source noisePorts = [(0, 2)] The ``get_noise()`` function in general requires a previous call to get_OP():: def get_noise(self, f): """ Return noise spectral density at frequency f Requires a previous call to get_OP() """ s = self._Sthermal + self._kSflicker / pow(f, return np.array([s]) This function should work when given for both scalar and vector frequencies. It should take advantage of the vectorization facilities in numpy. This interface is still experimental and may change. Independent Sources ------------------- Must provide the following arguments/functions: 1. At least one (perhaps more) of the source flags set to ``True``:: # isDCSource = True # isTDSource = True # isFDSource = True 2. The ``sourceOutput`` argument that contains tuple with output port. Voltage sources are implemented using a gyrator and a current source. Example:: sourceOutput = (0, 1) # for a current source 3. Implement at least one of the following source-related functions:: def get_DCsource(self): # used if isDCSource = True # return current value pass def get_TDsource(self, ctime): """ ctime is the current time """ # used if isTDSource = True # return current at ctime pass def get_FDsource(self): """ Returns a tuple with a frequency and a current phasor vectors (fvec, currentVec) """ # used if isFDSource = True. fvec is defined by the source # parameters. # Example for cos wave: fvec = np.array([self.freq]) currentVec = np.array([self.magnitude], dtype=complex) return (fvec, currentVec) These functions are used with the following conventions: * The DC component is the only one that is active for OP or DC analyses. * The DC component is always added to the contribution of the other sources. Do not include DC components in the other functions. * Some analyses (such as some forms of envelope-following) may require combined time/frequency or multiple time dimensions. The interface may have to be extended to handle that. The safest approach seems to be to define a new function for each case. Optionally, some time-domain sources may implement the following function to help controlling time-step size:: def get_next_event(self, ctime): """ Returns time of next discontinuity in function/derivative """ pass Also optionally, frequency-domain sources may implement the following function to be used for AC analysis:: def get_AC(self): """ Returns AC magnitude and phase """ return cm.rect(self._acmag, self._phase) Linear frequency-defined ------------------------ If the attribute ``isFreqDefined = True``, then the model must also include the following attribute with the port definitions for the frequency-domain part of the device:: fPortsDefinition = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] The format of this list is one tuple per port. In the example above, there are two ports. The positive terminals are 0 and 2. The other terminals, 1 and 3 are (local) port references. The Y/G parameters are calculated in the following functions:: def get_Y_matrix(self, fvec): """ Documentation fvec is a frequency vector/scalar, but frequency can not be zero """ # For scalar fvec returns Y matrix # For vector should return 3-D np.array. The frequency # index is the last. return ymatrix def get_G_matrix(self): """ Returns a matrix with the DC G parameters """ return ymatrix ``get_ymatrix()`` should work when given for both scalar and vector frequencies and should take advantage of the vectorization facilities in numpy. It may not work at DC, that is why ``get_gmatrix()`` is also needed. Devices Package Documentation ----------------------------- .. automodule:: cardoon.devices :members: Re-Generating Catalogs ---------------------- Erase one catalog file (for example, ``device_library.rst``) in the documentation directory (``doc/``) and re-make the documentation. All catalogs should be automatically re-generated.